Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Best of the Decade


It is only a coincidence that Mystic River (2003) comes on the heals of my review or Clint Eastwoods Invictus. I mention in my review for Ivictus that Eastwood would be my Director of the Decade. Between, Mystic River, Million Dollar Baby, Changeling, Letters from Iwo Jima and Invictus he has not only been proficient but outstanding. I chose Mystic River over Million Dollar Baby because it perfectly combines structure, acting and plot. It is Shakespearean in its content, and Sean Penn gives one of his many great performances of the past ten years. The ending has its detractors but as a whole Mystic River is an engaging and emotional who done it. Here is to Mr. Eastwood making movies for the next ten years!

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