Sunday, February 7, 2010

Don't screw with Demons

If a film was made for under a million dollars that is something to take into consideration when reviewing the movie. It seems like every ten years there is an ultra low budget horror movie that comes out and grosses itself over times 1000. In 1999 there was the Blair Witch Project and most recently there is the Spielberg backed Paranormal Activity (2007).

There are films like Avatar that seem to shatter my hope for a mass audience enjoying an independent film, so one would think that a film like Paranormal Activity would restore that hope, but its a double edged sword. Let me start out by saying that the film is executed nearly perfectly for the equipment and access Oren Peli the director had at his disposal during the shoot. At first the hand held, consumer camera is distracting and hard to take serious, but once you get used to it, you can enjoy the more supernatural parts of the story. The movie surrounds a young couple and there bouts with a demonic creature. The film is not nearly as frightening or engrossing as the brilliant marketing made it out to be, but it is intriguing and if I have said it once I will say it a thousand times, don't fuck with wigi boards, or don't go starting to looking into Satanic things if your not prepared to find something.

The reason I said earlier that when it comes to the popularity of films like Paranormal Activity that it is a double edge sword for independent filmmakers is because these type of films rely to heavily on gimmicks to lure their audience in. I don't think audiences are seeing this film for any other reason that A. it was sold to them, B. they wanted to be scared. They are certainly not going to go see this film because of an interesting story or new filmmaker that is doing something unique. That is also one of the reasons that this type of film happens only every ten years because it needs its freshness to sell that gimmick to an audience. I don't begrudge the filmmakers this, nor do I begrudge the studios selling the movie, I think where it hurts things is in main stream audiences expectations for ultra low budget films.

The best part of a film like Paranormal Activity is seeing what the filmmaker and cast are going to do next. I wish success to director Oren Peli as he continues to make movies. As far as the actors go it was clear that Katie Featherston was better than her counterpart Micah Sloat, and judging by there future lineup on IMDB, it looks like others agree with me.

Paranormal Activity is a fun exercise in style and budget. It wasn't nearly as frightening as it was made out to be, nor does it have repeat viewing appeal but the film did satisfy and for that it is recommended.


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