Thursday, February 4, 2010

Best Actress 2009

Continue the should have beens...

There has been many complaints over the years that females don't get a fair shake at the great leading roles in Hollywood. I couldn't agree more. I have not seen Julie and Julia or The Blind Side so I can't vouch for Meryl or Sandra but even with those two out of my race I only have 3 other nominees and one is technically 2008.

3. Tilda Swinton- Julia
Not a great movie, a bit over the top with the performance, but good enough to make this limited list.

2. Gabourey Sidibe-Precious
I mentioned in my review that I hoped the Academy would not over look her great soul sucking subtle performance. They did not.

1. Carey Mulligan-An Education
She is so captivating, smart, and innocent in this film about the dangers of growing up. I can't wait to see what she has in store for us next.

Honorable Mentions:

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