Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Best Director 2009

The what should have beens....

5. Ethan and Joel Coen-A Serious Man
Even if the movie is not a five star film, it is the Coens direction that keeps it engaging. I love watching their work, they are masters.

4. Cary Fukunaga-Sin Nombre
He kicked James Cameron off this list by making a film more rich and emotional than all of Pandora.

3. Spike Jonze-Where The Wild Things Are
A visually interesting and tonally accurate take on the famed children's book deserves Spike Jones a lot more recognition than he has gotten to this point.

2.Kathryn Bigelow-The Hurt Locker
I wouldn't even rank her number 2 but instead 1B. She brings suspense and most importantly interest to a movie about a war we have not yet favored on the screen.

1. Quentin Tarantino-Inglourious Basterds
There is not much left to say about Mr. Tarantino that has not already been said. He has gone from cinematic lore to a master filmmaker that proves he will continue to make good movies for a while.

Honorable Mentions:
James Cameron-Avatar
Greg Motolla-Adventureland
Tom Ford-A Single Man
Duncan Jones-Moon
Werner Herzog-Bad Lieutenant

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