Sunday, November 1, 2009

There was some blood, not as much as you would think

So this is the third time I have watch PTA's There Will Be Blood (2007). I saw it in the theatre when it came out and was disappointed, but like all of Anderson's movies, the film lingered with me, calling me to see it again. So as soon as I could I rented it, appreciating it much more the second time, but still couldn't articulate why. Then I bought the DVD, watched it again, and now have the perspective and understanding to sit down and write a review of this modern American classic.

Why was I so hesitant to really like this movie? I think its because while you are watching it you are to aware of its emptiness. This is not a plot driven movie, all the action sneaks up on you and in some way is contrary to the vastness of the landscape. When thinking back on the film, you realize that the moments are huge to the characters and yet the characters are very representative of uniquely American traits. It becomes like a black hole caught in a vacuum. It makes it hard to wrap your mind around yet impossible to forget.

There Will Be Blood is about Daniel Day Lewis's, Daniel Plainview and his journey to American riches by drilling the vast open spaces of the West. Much has been made of Lewis's Academy Award winning performance and whether or not it was over the top. It was a bit over the top but it worked and it really is one of the best performances of all time. You never want to look away from Plainview, he is absolutely captivating and his character is more complex than a lot of people give him credit for. I have read a lot of reviews that talk about the pure evilness of Plainview, I never just saw evil, I saw a guy who did care about his child at one point, but got caught up in his ambitions and eventually did become the antithesis of what the American dream is really about.

There is no opposite end of the spectrum to Plainview. The other character of interest is Paul Dano's, Paul Sunday. He is the films American religion, a Christian minister of the church of the third revelation. As Plainview's wealth grows, so does the church, and all this happens despite the fierce rivalry and hatred between the two men. Dano plays sunday as weak, a con man, selfish. It is a very good performance that does well to balance against Plainview. Dano didn't get the credit he deserved because he is dwarfed against Lewis here, had his opposition been someone else I think he would have seen an Academy Award nomination.

The world created here is outstanding, you get the feeling that this is what it was really like at the turn of the century. The cinematography by Robert Elswit is majestic. The score from Jonny Greenwood is original, but at times really draws to much attention to itself. However, the real star of this movie has got to be Paul Thomas Anderson for taking all these elements and making them work together. Anderson really is one of the great American directors and has created a film that despite the fact that not everything about it works (I think it should have expanded at the end but contracted) There Will Be Blood is if nothing else enchantingly captivating.


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