Monday, January 25, 2010

Best Supporting Actors

If the Academy is listening:

Best Supporting Actors

5. Robert Duvall- Crazy Heart
Duvall is the funniest thing about this movie. His down to earth demeanor and free spirited attitude lifts this film up. He steals every scene he is in and makes you smile.

4. Peter Sarsgaard- An Education
I don't know why this performance is being overlooked but Sarsgaard is outstanding as the charming older gentleman that sweeps Carey Mulligans Jenny away. He allows the audience to understand his charm while at the same time having the knowledge of his depravity.

3. James Gandolfini-Where The Wild Things Are
I know it is a CG character but Gandolfini is able to somehow come across as sad and merciful while at the same time angry and longing. He is a slice of Max's subconscious and he is able to bring a humanity that is much needed.

2. Matt Damon-Invictus
I have always liked Matt Damon, but one problem I have always had with his acting is he is always Matt Damon. In Clint Eastwoods Invictus he is able to transcend himself and pull off a very difficult accent as the Captain of the Box Spring Rugby team.

1. Christoph Waltz-Inglourious Basterds
Not much more to say about this performance. If your a betting person put your money on this horse to win the Academy Award. He is all at once evil and charming with a hint of insanity. As fun to watch as any character you will ever see on screen. Look forward to seeing his work in the future.

Honorable Mentions:
Martin Starr-Adventureland
Seth Rogan-Funny People
Michael Fassbender-Inglourious Basterds
Fred Melamed-A Serious Man
Michael K Williams-The Road

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