Friday, January 1, 2010

Best of the Decade


Happy New Year! Here it is, the number one movie of the last decade. My favorite films, have the rare combination of originality, a great structure, great characters, and a truth that works on a emotional level. Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind (2004) has all those qualities and a dreamlike feel that I have never seen before. Charlie Kaufman the writer of the film has already been mentioned once on this list with his brilliant Adaptation, he tops himself here because he is able to get to a truth about love and relationships that has not been expressed before. Just like John Cusak in High Fidelity, Jim Carrey is forgiven for all the bad stuff he does because of this film. Michel Gondry figures out a very unique visual style to tell a story that takes place all in one man's head. Not enough credit is given to Gondry in film history for his superb direction in this film. And then there is the great Kate Winslet who gives one of her best performance. If you have not seen Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind I encourage you to see it (it is the best movie of the decade after all).

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