Sunday, August 30, 2009

Wate! This didn happen in that thier Worl War 2

So much has been written and said about Tarantino and his style that I feel I will better serve this movie by talking solely about the film and not all the Tarantinoisms on display in Inglourious Basterds. If you are interested in spotting everything that is Tarantino you will, if you are not, it doesn't matter, the movie will work regardless.

Where Inglourious Basterds doesn't work is in certain casting choices ( I'm looking at you Brad Pitt) and certain plot holes (nearly no security in the lobby of the theatre?). But what I have to say to the films faults is "who cares". This director knows the language of cinema better than anyone else and exploits it to its full potential. If someone is going to pick apart the rewritten history, or the now titled "Jewish revenge porn" aspects of this movie than they are missing the point of this movie. Tarantino doesn't work on the level of realistic emotional integrity, he works on the level of cinematic emotional integrity and I dare say when it comes to movies the later works better. I have said it before and I will say it again Tarantino knows how to take genre pictures and put them on the level of art. 

Basterds is filled with more tension, laughter and memorable moments than most any other films this year combined. There are two scenes in-particular that will be studied for years that portray a mix of tension and laughter so fluidly that they could stand as films themselves. I urge any film students to watch this movie to learn how to create tension with nothing but dialogue.

Not only does the film walk the perfect line of comedy and drama so does its stand out performer Christoph Waltz.  Waltz deserves an Academy Award for this performance, and if he doesn't at least get a nomination I'm gonna wine like a baby (thats really all I could offer). 

As of this moment Inglourious Basterds is in a neck and neck race with Adventureland as my favorite film of the year. I hope to watch both again by the years end to really determine a winner. 

The interesting thing about Tarantino films is they tend to get better with each viewing, so if I need too I may alter my star review. This is also something to consider when trying to rank Basterds amongst Tarantino's other films, only repeated viewings and time will determine its place. 

P.S. As my title alludes too, I bet anything that Tarantino did not mean to misspell the title on purpose. He just can't spell. 


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